Scholarships and Financial Assistance Department

Dr. Muhammad Aslam Khan
Director Scholarships and Financial Assistance
  • Tel / Ext. : +92 (68) 588 2479

  • Email:

Dr. Rana Mujahid 
Incharge Scholarships and Financial Assistance
  • Tel / Ext. : +92 34504292460

  • Email: 

In order to facilitate the talented, needy, low-income, marginalised or refugee students, the university provides a substantial number of scholarships and financial assistants for their university fee, hostel/accommodation and living allowance so that future leaders do not discontinue their studies because of financial constraints. The scholarships are also offered at the time of admission so that any prejudice againt the poor, low-income neighbourhoods, class, creed or race is removed. To ensure transparency and meritocracy, a committee manages all matters related to scholarships and financial assistance. The major function of the Scholarships Committee is not only to evaluate the Need Based and Merit Scholarships but also to recommend the students for Fareed Scholarship, Pakistan Baitul Mal, Ministry of Religious Affairs, and IEP – SAC (Saudi Arabia) Scholarship.


Scholarships Amount AwardedRs. 1000+ MillionView All Scholarship Programs for Students

Dr. Rana Mujahid
Incharge Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Hafiz Muhammad Umair Nasir
Admin Officer
Mr. Muhammad Irfan